Harmful gossip & divisive language have transformed us into a divisive culture - felt within our families, friendships, the workplace, school, politics, churches & society as a whole.

Mindfulness & kindness will lend to our healing & unification.



"The words we choose to speak each day make a huge difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Gossip can be dangerous. We can all grow through the timeless message of WordEffect."

Dr. Robert & Donna Schuller

"The issue of gossip has been overlooked for far too long. We can all be individually and collectively better by focusing on messages like those WordEffect has to offer. Keep it going, support the cause!"

Ene Taylor

"In today's world, this is such an important issue rarely addressed. Kudos to WordEffect for reminding us to be more gentle with each other. Kind words and positivity are contagious."

Dr. Patty Kerrigan

This is critical work at a critical time in our history. WordEffect is dedicated to change how we view our communication and relations with others at home, work and in our communities."

Michael Glover

"These are much needed words and messages that need to go around our world. There is too much gossip and division in our communities and we can all assist in putting a stop to it."

Robin Kasten

WordEffect is a great facilitator to understanding how damaging gossip is. This organization has passion and purpose to create positive change with a message we all need to hear.

Dr. Kathie Mathis

Happy kind words of consideration, consolation & positivity are words that build someone's broken spirit and life.. Here we find such good words to encourage each other.

Sumithra Y.

Thank you for addressing such a growing problem in society. I hope more people find WordEffect to change the direction of their language as well as their attitudes. Keep up the good work.

Sally Fergeson

Beautiful, encouraging thoughts; just what we need at this turbulent time.

Janice Smith

Articles & Inspiration